2016 National Peace Officers Memorial Day Commemorative Badge
The 2016 National Peace Officers Memorial Day Badge marks the 22nd edition of the National Police Week commemorative badge offered by F.O.P. Lodge D.C. #1.
This 3" diameter circular badge encircles a 5-point star depicting The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Wall inscribed with the names of fallen heroes guarded by the lion statue.
Inscribed on the periphery of the gold circle are the words " National Peace Officers Memorial Day."The year "2016" is inscribed at the bottom in polished black enamel over gold plating sided with laurel leaves.
The Thin Blue Line is interwoven around the 5 point star.
Each badge is numbered on the reverse and stamped with "FOP Lodge D.C.1". The badge has a heavy-duty safety pin & catch attachment.
The badge is die struck in solid .102 brass and features two hard fired enamel colors with a dual metal plated finish(polished gold
and silver rhodium.)
***IDEAL GIFT*** for Blue Family Survivors, Law Enforcement, retirees, and men's gifts. ***GREAT COLLECTIBLE*** This Commemorative Badge with intricate detail is a perfect addition for any collector. ***HIGH QUALITY DURABLE DESIGN*** Only the best materials are used in the crafting of this badge. This badge is forged from premium base metals for a lasting design. ***EXQUISITE CRAFTSMANSHIP*** This unique custom badge exemplifies our determination to ensure that any badge we design, commission and offer is of compromised quality and value.